Wednesday, May 23, 2012


OK, Those of you who want pictures... I posted LOTS onto Facebook, so go check them out!  I still have some more to add.... I'll get around to it eventually ;).

Anyway, we leave to go to Scotland tomorrow, and then it's home to Canada.  It isn't very much fun to say good-bye to people.  I have a hard time not getting emotional, but I was able to keep it together, at least until I was alone... :/  The hardest people to say goodbye to were the Serranos.  We are going to miss them a tonne!  I wish we could bring them home with us.  I was surprised how hard it was to say goodbye to my aerobics class too!  I'm such a sap...

Anyway, our apartment is a mess as we try to figure out what we can bring home and what we have to leave behind.  We are trying to cut down what we brought by two suitcases... which is really hard, especially when lots of people who worked with Evan gave him presents in the form of books.  The weather got better for about four days and then it got rainy again, but today it was gorgeous!  It was as if mother nature was giving us a goodbye present too.  We spent a wonderful two hours at the beach to take a break from all of this cleaning and packing.  It was glorious.

I still can't believe its all over!  I am going to miss so many things, especially the ocean.  I have fallen in love with the ocean...  I don't even mind the smell of see weed anymore.  I could go on forever...

As for the next two weeks...  I will need all of your prayers as I endeavour to keep up with Evan on a 7 day hike on the Isle of Skye in Scottland.  It is my first backpacking trip so I'm kinda getting pushed into the deep end here.  Hopefully this means I will have lots of pitiful stories to relate to you all.  But until then, here are some pictures (that are not yet of Facebook) to tide you over

Our branch.... well, the regulars anyway :)

One of Blae's classes, he says he would never want to be a teacher but he is really going to miss the kids.  (They love him, some girls even offered to fight me for him lol)

These are from the farewell trip that the Serrano's took us on.  On the left is a picture of the old wall in Lugo, you can see it trailing off in the distance... We walked the whole way around the old town on that wall.  On the right is the oldest lighthouse in the world that is still in use.  It is in the beautiful city of "A Coruña" and it's name is "Hercules Tower".

Hope you enjoyed...  Stay tuned for Scotland survival tips.

1 comment:

  1. If it helps, you can usually get a book rate at the Post Office that is way cheaper, although it can take a while to get back. Look into it!
