Monday, August 1, 2011


Everyone reading this needs to search Google Images of Sanxenxo, Spain and then try to control your jealousy!  I put a picture up but, so you get an idea, this is the tourist capital of Galicia and there are a lot of amazing beaches and resorts.  Not that I'm complaining, but it is kind of ironic we are going to the one 'modern' place in Galacia since we chose Galacia for the old culture and architecture.
As far as preparation goes, we have our plane tickets, Evan is waiting on his visa which *fingers crossed* will be here in time! (If not.... I believe we have, what they call in Spanish, 'un gran problema') For my visa we have been told that I don't have to worry about a visa since I have a right to be with my husband.  Hopefully that doesn't turn out to be bad information, but if it is... we will just have to leave the country a couple of times during the year.  Oh darn!
Anyway... Short update, hope you feel enlightened!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds amazing Cat!! I'm so excited for your adventure! As for the little toilette sized sink in the bathroom.... it's probably a bidet (pronounced beday). It's a bum washer! You sit over it after going to the bathroom, and wash your bum.
    Love you!
