Monday, October 10, 2011


Everyone who knows me should be proud.  I have eaten multiple things that I have had no intension of eating.  Ever.  Most notable being an octopus.  Well, a little baby one, but the legs were each an inch long and it was so hard to get the courage to eat it.  Our landlord/Evan’s boss brought us some of her left-over rice dish because we were talking about how we haven’t had any ‘Galician’ food.  I will admit that it tasted good, but the idea of it is really hard to come to terms with.  Also in this rice dish were another creature that evan thinks were scallops.  Oh and i just checked with Evan.... the octopi were actually squid; aka calamari.  Anyway, yesterday, I we were invited to lunch by some people at church and they had a soup that had muscles and shrimp.  If you do not know me well, you may be shocked to know that I avoid seafood if at all possible.  Even though I have been given the opportunity to have shrimp on a number of occasions I avoid seafood in all of its forms.  Mussels look horrible.  And their texture is a cross between chicken and mushrooms and next to them the shrimp were a piece of cake.  But I am so proud of myself because I finished that shockingly huge bowl of soup and I actually, shockingly, enjoyed it.  Not to the point that I would choose it at a restaurant because I have a feeling that one reason I liked it was that I was super hungry, but... I feel like a new, braver person.
It is really strange here because meal times are very different.  My stomach tells me it is lunch time at around 12 so you can imagine my disappointment that lunch doesn’t happen until 2 or 3 here (yes breakfast is at a comparable time to ours).  And supper?  Let’s just say its past my bedtime.  I don’t think its healthy...
Church is great!  There are only 25ish people who come regularly but everyone is really nice.  The family that fed us lunch is fantastic and they can even speak English pretty well!  Finally!  I am getting used to the double kiss thing but it was really weird at first.  Im still not sure who you kiss and who you don’t so I never make the first move.  When Evan told them that we don’t do that at home they were shocked! lol!
Anyway... We found a new beach!  We have to take a bus there, but it is a longer beach and the waves are bigger.  There are fewer people yet somehow there are more topless women. Go figure.  The bus goes around the peninsula we live on to get to lanzada beach and the costal view the entire way there is BEAUTIFUL! Evan got me into the water the first time we went but it is colder then our beach and I didn’t last too long.  The second time... we came prepaired. With toys.  Evan good a boogie board but apparently it is made for kids.  Not just people who act like kids lol.  It broke.  Luckily the plastic case is somehow holding together so he can still enjoy it.  It was really windy that time so we saw lots of wind surfers.  It looks like so much fun!
So I figured I could invite some comments by starting a conversation about rules for when you go to the beach (or pool).  There are a couple that I have learned since we have got here so I will start this thing off... Rule #1: Do not do your hair before you go to the beach.  If you do, I will get wrecked.  Even if you had no intention of getting wet.  Rule #2:  DO NOT bring food to the beach!   But if you like seagulls digging through your stuff when you go swimming and you want everyone within a 50 foot radius of you to hate you, then by all means... eat away.  Obviously I learned this the hard way.  It’s creepy how they sit and stare.  For hours.
Lanzada Beach

Evan's Sunburn

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