I tried to make the title of my post is epic... I feel like I succeeded. If you disagree, please don't rain on my, already very soggy, parade. Now to the point... It won't stop raining! I don't think a day has gone by since my last post when it hasn't rained. This is what winter weather was supposed to be like... It makes me so mad! all of the sunny days were waisted on cold months! There are occasional bouts of sunshine but they are infrequent and they never last very long. Yesterday I looked outside and thought to myself, "Oh what a beautiful day, the sky is blue and its sunny, I better wear sunglasses." Then I left the apartment and by the time I had walked one block, my sunglasses were off and I was wishing I had remembered an umbrella. The temperature is OK usually, it hovers between 13-15 degrees celsius, but when the sun comes out it feels five or ten degrees warmer. Im getting anxious because we are leaving in a month and I really want to spend as much time as possible outside so the weather needs to get better soon!
Evan and I are planning a little backpacking trip to Scotland on our way home. We were planning on going to Iceland but decided that coming home with absolutely no money wasn't the smartest idea, so we decided to scale things down a bit. I must admit I am torn between being very excited and terrified. I have never been backpacking before, and though I love a challenge, I am a creature of comfort. I go to great lengths to avoid discomfort so this will be interesting... I just hope I don't drive Evan crazy.
As my extended vacation nears its end, I look back at the past few months and have to admit that everything I had though this trip would be like a year ago was wrong. It was way better than I could have imagined in almost every way, with living on the beach, surfing every week, people who took us to all different kinds of fantastic places, and an amazing Christmas to name a few. One thing that disappoints me is my grasp of the Spanish language. I must admit that I thought that by now I would be practically fluent but I still feel like I'm floundering every time I try to have a conversation. The one thing that consoles me is at least I'm better then most of you! ;) ....I say that with the utmost love and respect to you all.
Anyway... You may be able to tell I'm itching to get home... I hope you are as excited to see me as I am to see all of you! June 5th. Mark it on the calendar! (And then give us a couple of days to deal with the jet lag)
PS. This kind of feels like a final post which it isn't (unless it is... and then I will have lied), but keep checking because at the very least I will post pictures and stuff from Scotland.
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